2003 NHL Playoff Contest- Sponsored by Beverly Hills Bookie: CONTEST RESULTS FOR SUNDAY 27 APRIL 2003


New member
Sep 21, 2004
2003 NHL Playoff Contest- Sponsored by Beverly Hills Bookie

Problem Posts:

MT_Pockets: Selection made on line not shown on the board; the following selection was disregarded:
- Minnesota / Ottawa over 5.0 +130 (1 Unit)

SSI: Selection made on line not shown on the board; the following selection was disregarded:
- Minnesota / Ottawa over 4.5 -145 (2 Units)

blkjk: Parlay selections made for more units than are permitted on parlays in Round 2. The selections in your post were graded from top to bottom, with the following selections disregarded:
- Ottawa -1.5 +180 & over 4.5 -125 (1 Unit)
- Minnesota pick +180 & over 4.5 -145 (1 Unit)

Contest Results for Sunday 27 April 2003- Alphabetical:
anjac.........................(0-2-0) -2.00
Augustus......................(2-2-0) -2.40
Benjo.........................(2-1-0) +1.15
Big10.........................(0-2-1) -4.90
blkjk.........................(0-2-0) -2.00
Bron..........................(0-3-0) -5.90
CardFather....................(3-0-0) +8.90
chriscol......................(0-3-0) -6.00
cRaZy Jivin' IvaN.............(1-0-0) +1.65
CrazyCanadian.................(1-1-2) +3.00
Dinero[PL]....................(1-0-0) +3.30
don marco.....................(0-2-0) -2.00
droc..........................(2-0-2) +5.30
gambl0r.......................(1-1-0) +1.60
giorg0s.......................(1-2-1) -4.20
GottaWinToday.................(1-1-0) +3.50
grover........................(2-0-0) +6.90
guysmiley.....................(0-1-0) -4.40
hansen bros...................(0-2-0) -5.40
manly.........................(2-0-1) +4.00
mgk222........................(1-1-0) -0.50
MT_Pockets....................(1-1-0) -2.40
NorthernIce...................(0-1-1) -2.00
patlives......................(2-2-0) +2.90
Peebs.........................(0-1-1) -4.40
playersonly69.................(0-1-0) -1.00
Rude..........................(2-1-1) +3.40
ScoobySnacks..................(0-1-1) -2.50
scripter......................(1-2-1) -0.40
sidingman.....................(1-0-1) +5.50
Silver Pegasus................(2-0-0) +4.00
SSI...........................(0-1-0) -2.50
ThreeUnits....................(1-2-1) -7.10
Tru Canadian Undadawg.........(0-1-1) -2.00
vegasguy39....................(1-1-0) -0.50
winkyduck.....................(1-2-1) -1.10

Round 2 Standings- Alphabetical:
anjac.........................Sides and Totals: (3-5-0) -0.30 Units
Augustus......................Sides and Totals: (5-6-1) -4.40 Units
Benjo.........................Sides and Totals: (5-5-0) +1.75 Units
Big10.........................Sides and Totals: (5-4-2) -2.20 Units
blkjk.........................Sides and Totals: (4-2-0) +7.40 Units
BoZZi.........................Sides and Totals: (0-1-1) -2.00 Units
Bron..........................Sides and Totals: (5-4-3) +2.50 Units
cam...........................Sides and Totals: (0-0-0) +0.00 Units
CardFather....................Sides and Totals: (4-4-0) +4.90 Units
chriscol......................Sides and Totals: (0-4-1) -8.00 Units
cRaZy Jivin' IvaN.............Sides and Totals: (4-2-0) +7.55 Units
CrazyCanadian.................Sides and Totals: (3-6-3) -7.30 Units
dani..........................Sides and Totals: (0-0-0) +0.00 Units
Dinero[PL]....................Sides and Totals: (3-3-0) +4.00 Units
don marco.....................Sides and Totals: (6-2-0) +9.50 Units
droc..........................Sides and Totals: (6-7-2) -0.80 Units
Early Speed...................Sides and Totals: (0-0-0) +0.00 Units
eejit.........................Sides and Totals: (0-0-1) +0.00 Units
Egis..........................Sides and Totals: (0-0-0) +0.00 Units
EveryGamblersDream............Sides and Totals: (0-0-0) +0.00 Units
Gabriel.......................Sides and Totals: (2-2-0) -1.50 Units
gambl0r.......................Sides and Totals: (3-3-0) +6.10 Units
(gambl0r: Includes correction of grading error from Saturday 26 April 2003.)
giorg0s.......................Sides and Totals: (6-6-1) -6.30 Units
GottaWinToday.................Sides and Totals: (2-2-2) +4.30 Units
grover........................Sides and Totals: (2-0-0) +6.90 Units
guysmiley.....................Sides and Totals: (3-1-1) +1.60 Units
hansen bros...................Sides and Totals: (1-3-0) -4.65 Units
IceKing.......................Sides and Totals: (0-0-0) +0.00 Units
Long Live Sport...............Sides and Totals: (0-0-0) +0.00 Units
manly.........................Sides and Totals: (5-0-5) +9.00 Units
mgk222........................Sides and Totals: (12-2-0) +19.10 Units
Miklos........................Sides and Totals: (3-1-0) +2.50 Units
MT_Pockets....................Sides and Totals: (6-3-1) -1.25 Units
nanuk.........................Sides and Totals: (1-0-1) +2.00 Units
NITRO.........................Sides and Totals: (0-0-0) +0.00 Units
NorthernIce...................Sides and Totals: (1-2-1) -2.00 Units
parlayin......................Sides and Totals: (0-0-0) +0.00 Units
patlives......................Sides and Totals: (5-6-0) +3.80 Units
Patrick McIrish...............Sides and Totals: (0-0-0) +0.00 Units
Peebs.........................Sides and Totals: (2-2-2) -1.20 Units
playersonly69.................Sides and Totals: (1-5-1) -7.30 Units
qs185.........................Sides and Totals: (1-1-0) +1.80 Units
raiders72001..................Sides and Totals: (0-0-0) +0.00 Units
Rosemary......................Sides and Totals: (1-3-0) -5.70 Units
Rude..........................Sides and Totals: (6-5-1) +5.70 Units
ScoobySnacks..................Sides and Totals: (5-5-1) -1.50 Units
scripter......................Sides and Totals: (1-5-4) -6.40 Units
sidingman.....................Sides and Totals: (1-0-4) +5.50 Units
Silver Pegasus................Sides and Totals: (7-3-0) +6.10 Units
SSI...........................Sides and Totals: (3-2-0) +1.50 Units
the gooch.....................Sides and Totals: (1-2-1) -3.40 Units
ThreeUnits....................Sides and Totals: (2-2-1) -5.10 Units
Tru Canadian Undadawg.........Sides and Totals: (2-3-1) -1.20 Units
turkoman1963..................Sides and Totals: (0-0-0) +0.00 Units
Uncle B.......................Sides and Totals: (0-0-0) +0.00 Units
vegasguy39....................Sides and Totals: (2-2-0) -0.50 Units
winkyduck.....................Sides and Totals: (4-5-3) -1.30 Units

Round 2 Standings- Sorted:
1. mgk222........................Sides and Totals: (12-2-0) +19.10 Units
2. don marco.....................Sides and Totals: (6-2-0) +9.50 Units
3. manly.........................Sides and Totals: (5-0-5) +9.00 Units
4. cRaZy Jivin' IvaN.............Sides and Totals: (4-2-0) +7.55 Units
5. blkjk.........................Sides and Totals: (4-2-0) +7.40 Units
6. grover........................Sides and Totals: (2-0-0) +6.90 Units
T-7. gambl0r.......................Sides and Totals: (3-3-0) +6.10 Units
T-7. Silver Pegasus................Sides and Totals: (7-3-0) +6.10 Units
9. Rude..........................Sides and Totals: (6-5-1) +5.70 Units
10. sidingman.....................Sides and Totals: (1-0-4) +5.50 Units
11. CardFather....................Sides and Totals: (4-4-0) +4.90 Units
12. GottaWinToday.................Sides and Totals: (2-2-2) +4.30 Units
13. Dinero[PL]....................Sides and Totals: (3-3-0) +4.00 Units
14. patlives......................Sides and Totals: (5-6-0) +3.80 Units
T-15. Bron..........................Sides and Totals: (5-4-3) +2.50 Units
T-15. Miklos........................Sides and Totals: (3-1-0) +2.50 Units
17. nanuk.........................Sides and Totals: (1-0-1) +2.00 Units
18. qs185.........................Sides and Totals: (1-1-0) +1.80 Units
19. Benjo.........................Sides and Totals: (5-5-0) +1.75 Units
20. guysmiley.....................Sides and Totals: (3-1-1) +1.60 Units
21. SSI...........................Sides and Totals: (3-2-0) +1.50 Units
T-22. cam...........................Sides and Totals: (0-0-0) +0.00 Units
T-22. dani..........................Sides and Totals: (0-0-0) +0.00 Units
T-22. Early Speed...................Sides and Totals: (0-0-0) +0.00 Units
T-22. eejit.........................Sides and Totals: (0-0-1) +0.00 Units
T-22. Egis..........................Sides and Totals: (0-0-0) +0.00 Units
T-22. EveryGamblersDream............Sides and Totals: (0-0-0) +0.00 Units
T-22. IceKing.......................Sides and Totals: (0-0-0) +0.00 Units
T-22. Long Live Sport...............Sides and Totals: (0-0-0) +0.00 Units
T-22. NITRO.........................Sides and Totals: (0-0-0) +0.00 Units
T-22. parlayin......................Sides and Totals: (0-0-0) +0.00 Units
T-22. Patrick McIrish...............Sides and Totals: (0-0-0) +0.00 Units
T-22. raiders72001..................Sides and Totals: (0-0-0) +0.00 Units
T-22. turkoman1963..................Sides and Totals: (0-0-0) +0.00 Units
T-22. Uncle B.......................Sides and Totals: (0-0-0) +0.00 Units
36. anjac.........................Sides and Totals: (3-5-0) -0.30 Units
37. vegasguy39....................Sides and Totals: (2-2-0) -0.50 Units
38. droc..........................Sides and Totals: (6-7-2) -0.80 Units
T-39. Tru Canadian Undadawg.........Sides and Totals: (2-3-1) -1.20 Units
T-39. Peebs.........................Sides and Totals: (2-2-2) -1.20 Units
41. MT_Pockets....................Sides and Totals: (6-3-1) -1.25 Units
42. winkyduck.....................Sides and Totals: (4-5-3) -1.30 Units
T-43. Gabriel.......................Sides and Totals: (2-2-0) -1.50 Units
T-43. ScoobySnacks..................Sides and Totals: (5-5-1) -1.50 Units
T-45. BoZZi.........................Sides and Totals: (0-1-1) -2.00 Units
T-45. NorthernIce...................Sides and Totals: (1-2-1) -2.00 Units
47. Big10.........................Sides and Totals: (5-4-2) -2.20 Units
48. the gooch.....................Sides and Totals: (1-2-1) -3.40 Units
49. Augustus......................Sides and Totals: (5-6-1) -4.40 Units
50. hansen bros...................Sides and Totals: (1-3-0) -4.65 Units
51. ThreeUnits....................Sides and Totals: (2-2-1) -5.10 Units
52. Rosemary......................Sides and Totals: (1-3-0) -5.70 Units
T-53. giorg0s.......................Sides and Totals: (6-6-1) -6.30 Units
T-53. scripter......................Sides and Totals: (1-5-4) -6.40 Units
T-54. playersonly69.................Sides and Totals: (1-5-1) -7.30 Units
T-54. CrazyCanadian.................Sides and Totals: (3-6-3) -7.30 Units
56. chriscol......................Sides and Totals: (0-4-1) -8.00 Units

New member
Sep 21, 2004
jeff, i went 1-1 (+0.50) yesterday and i stand at 69.10.

you have me at 0-2 (-2.00) for 66.60


Oct 20, 2001

Quote: "blkjk: Parlay selections made for more units than are permitted on parlays in Round 2."

Couldn't find anywhere in the rules where making multiple parlays on a same game aren't allowed.

Thanks for your help and also all of the hard work you have put into the contest.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
blkjk: It isn't actually in the rules that multiple selections on parlays is not permitted. Instead, the constraint is that you are only able to put 1 unit at risk per game on parlays in Round 1 and 2 of the playoffs. (In Round 3 you can put 2 units per game at risk on parlays and in Round 4 you can put 3 units at risk per game on parlays; in that context, you would be able to select multiple parlays on the same game.)

anjac, blkjk, don marco: When I was doing the grading initially last night (which was in the middle of the third period of the late game), I treated the Minnesota at Vancouver game as a 3-1 Minnesota win. (I use the daily win-loss-push results as a double-check that I have entered everything correctly, so that's why I used the 3-1 score at the time.) When Vancouver scored the last goal, I forgot to amend the parlay grading.

Each of you had a winning parlay graded as a loser; I will amend this in the workbook. The changes will be reflected in tonight's results.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
HI Jeff,
I played 2 parlays on the 27th won 1-lost 1
Plays were as follows
Phil pick & over 4' pay +370 LOST
Minn pick & over 4' pay +370 WON
You have me down as 0-2-0 PLEASE CHECK
Thank you, anjac

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Hey Jeff it's me again,
I was looking through the various theads and I came across this:
On 4/21 I played the following:
Phil/Tor over 4' -130 (2 units) LOST
Minn pick & over 4' (1 unit) pay +370 WON
I believe you have me down for that day at 1-1 (-160) should be 1-1 (+100)

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Thank you Jeff
Play offs have been good games up til now. Hope it continues. Fans are starting to get into hockey, and it is nice to see.

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